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You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own.

Thursday, October 17, 2024

International Public Notice: Military Use Only? What Military?

 By Anna Von Reitz

FEMA has been properly rebuffed and prevented from obstructing and harming civilian search and rescue operations and relief efforts.  So, what do they do?  They pull their pretend-military card, and propose to close the air space over isolated mountain towns, to prevent civilian air support and rescue missions. 

Our American Federation Armed Forces and State Assembly Militias are the only military organizations in the room. 

Read that, there are three groups that appear to be "military".  Only one group, ours, really is military.  The other two groups are mercs.  Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street, State of State "National Guard", and Army, Inc., and so on, are not military.  

They are mercenary organizations. By definition.

As we already reviewed, Federal Employees, whether Military or Federal Civil Servants, are  personnel attached to foreign governments and none of them have any right or authority to obstruct or interfere with, subvert, overtake, or substitute their services for American civilian efforts. 

Put simply, these mercenary organizations  have no ability to close our air space and restrict it to "military use only", because they aren't a military and aren't part of our military.  

Everyone, please, say it again: these mercenary forces are privately owned for-profit foreign corporations organized for mercenary activities and illegal war-for-profit.  

DOD and DoD are both foreign privately owned for-profit corporations.  

Being "presumed to be" government service providers under contract to supply "essential government services" doesn't make you a government, and doesn't give you any authority, and doesn't create a public office out of a similarly-named private one.  

Our standard answer to claims of restricted air space goes like this: "Shoot me down or try to arrest me."  And then,  our Flyboys go on about their business, because what we are telling you is true. 

These phony "military" officers can't shoot without a direct order and anyone giving such a direct order will be tried for treason and hung, so that is a mighty argument against giving such an order.  On top of that, any pilot obeying such an order, his co-pilot, his tech, his ground crew, everyone associated with him will be dishonorably discharged. Career ended. 

And they can't arrest anyone in a foreign jurisdiction.  

So once again, we catch them trying to bluff and bully and lie their way to "success", which in this case is to starve and abandon families in Appalachia, so their corporate masters and shareholders can pick up the ruined land --- and the rich underlying mining claims --- for pennies on the dollar. 

This isn't a groundless supposition or conspiracy theory. 

Every time a piece of land in Appalachia changes hands, we are tagging the companies involved, the shareholders involved, and the parties of interest crowding in and seeking to benefit themselves from this disaster. We are analyzing the patterns and parties involved to discern the identities of the players and motives involved. 

Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886) found that an unconstitutional act does not create an office, and the acts of its assumed incumbents are void. 

So let's review --- what's an "unconstitutional act"?  

The Constitutions are constructed as exclusionary service contracts.  Anything not specifically and explicitly granted is withheld.  That's why the "enumerated powers" are strictly enumerated. 

So any presumption or assumption of power not specifically granted, is just as "unconstitutional" as any abuse of or deliberate misinterpretation of a delegated power. 

U.S. v Strang proves U.S. Departments like DoD, which are organized as corporation franchises, are not part of our government. 

Lewis v US 680 F2nd, 1239, proves the same thing about DOD: not part of our government.  

None of these organizations have anything to say about our use of our airspace, but here they are again, usurping our powers, pretending to be our "representatives", while in fact betraying everyone and everything this country stands for, for their own private corporate profits. 

So if you hear of rescue flights being "restricted"  or told you can't fly civilian rescue missions into certain isolated towns like Little Germany, let us know.  Their "military" is under the same exact prohibitions as FEMA and under the same judgement requiring them to immediately assist and not obstruct.   

These quasi-military operations --- DOD, which is already bankrupt and technically defunct, DoD which is also technically bankrupt, Vanguard, Black Rock, State Street, DHS, FEMA, etc. --- are all up to their eyebrows in debt to who?  

These organizations are in debt to the same people they are harming; the people who are their Priority Creditors and Employers, the actual owners of the State resources, the ones who own the airspace these crooks are "restricting" --- are the ones that these criminal organizations are targeting, the ones they are killing and robbing and defrauding and isolating by any means possible, in hopes of stealing the local mineral resources and recouping their own corporate balance sheets.  

It's the same exact Modus Operandi these Vermin pursued in South Africa, Congo, Zimbabwe, and now, here, too.  

The Heist is on, but so is the Response.  

Remember --- our American Federation Armed Forces and State Assembly Militias which are directly associated with and regulated by our civilian government --- are the military.   Any quasi-military force organized as a corporation is a mercenary force by definition. 

The Municipal Mercenary organizations associated with the UNITED STATES have been left adrift by the HRE, Inc, which didn't really bother to clean up its mess; rather, they detached the Municipal Mercenaries from their contractual obligations to The Constitution of the United States, and opened the door for the British Crown to fund them as Hired Guns.  Or should we say, Hired Goons. 

This was not an oversight or a mistake and we are not deceived. As usual, mistakes were not made. Bill Gates' gift of 60,000 surveillance satellites to the Chinese Government in exchange for their protection were used to steer this unnatural storm straight into the heart of Appalachia. And all these mining companies and "government agencies" were there on the heels of the storm, making claims of non-existent "Federal Eminent Domain", bulldozers at the ready. 


It's time for all these criminals to go down -- hard, flat on the concrete. 

So step right up and have yourselves a heapin' helpin' dose of reality--- again.

Toxicity levels in many places throughout the disaster area are off scale.  In addition to industrial wastes washed away into the flood-impacted drainages, heavy metals, radioactive wastes, and dangerous industrial chemicals, the water and the ubiquitous mud and silt is contaminated with thousands of dead bodies which are now well-into decay --- people, animals, birds, as well as unimaginable tons of vegetation --- all this is contributing to the ecological catastrophe and biological disease vectors impacting the Appalachian communities that were already among the poorest in the country.  

While much of the vast area impacted by Hurricane Helene is suffering physical damage, the damage is polarized, with relatively minor damage in many areas, juxtaposed against truly catastrophic damage in others.  The hardest hit areas have the most difficult topography--- and the richest mining claims. 

It's the people and communities in the mountains that these agencies are targeting for isolation and abandonment.  The already isolated communities are the ones that are suffering purposeful obstruction of civilian air rescue and resupply efforts.  Like Little Germany, which happens to be sitting on one of the richest Lithium deposits.  

Strange to think that Theodore Roosevelt's cynical "Natural Resources Policy" penned in 1908, which kept the people of Appalachia from mining and benefiting from their own resources for over a hundred years, is now the driving force behind the land grab being promoted by Cousin FDR's political progeny. 

The agencies doing this are hardened criminal organizations that fit the most stereotypical descriptions of mercenary operations.  The only quirk is that many of the men filling the ranks are gullible and don't realize that they are being used as mercenaries, minus the mercenary pay and benefits. 

Mistakes were not made --- not with the pandemic, not with this act of weather 'warfare', not with the so-called Civil War, not with WWI, not with WWII, not with the Great Depression, and not with any of the rest of the scripted genocides and financial thefts and False Flags that have been the constant bill-of-fare ever since these corporations started substituting themselves for actual governments. 

It's time to stop kidding ourselves.  The enemies of mankind are sitting in corporate boardrooms and banks all over this planet, worshiping Mammon and telling lies as a profession, their "secular priests" --- members of the Bar Associations, put on theater acts and provide "an appearance of justice".  We've been conned. Snookered. Taken in by men in uniforms and nice suits. 

Worst of all, we've nearly taken the Bait, and forgotten who we are and what we are.  It's time we all remembered. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 16th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

International Public Notice: The Source of All Rights

 By Anna Von Reitz

Our Natural and Unalienable Rights declared and claimed and cured via The Declaration of Independence, not any Constitution, are a result of our nature as independent living beings blessed with freewill and mobility.  

Our ability to speak declares our right to speak, just as our ability to hear declares our right to hear.  Our ability to reason and choose between options is the hallmark of our freewill.  Our ability to discern truth from falsehood conveys our moral faculties and the right to exercise them.  

There is, therefore, the Kingdom of Nature and of Natural Rights, which pre-dates and stands over any Law of mankind.

Give your attention to this source of all rights, for it is the bedrock of our common existence and mankind's natural social fabric.  

It's only when men tamper with this Natural Law to deny the Natural Rights of others, that arbitrary and capricious injustice follows, and the contracts and conventions of men attempt to overcome both the Nature of Mankind and the Natural Law that governs us. 

Our American Government wisely admits and supports the Natural Laws that govern our world, our nature, and our existence.  We accept the fact that our species is mortal and we do not seek to unnaturally extend the life of an individual by impersonating them.

We uphold the Natural and Unalienable rights of living people, regardless of age, sex, color, national origin, religion or any other factors that foreign governments have used to justify the denial of the Natural and Unalienable Rights of individuals. 

Our Federal Subcontractors universally deny themselves the Natural and Unalienable Rights by subjecting themselves to Social Contracts that disrespect Nature.  By virtue of their choices, they elect to act as persons and to be impersonated. 

They agree to indentured servitude for a period of years, known as a tour of duty, or they agree to enslavement as government servants, but in no case do they possess themselves the Natural and Unalienable Rights they are hired to protect.  

There is a misguided idea that the Constitutions, which are service contracts that we hold with these foreign persons, are the source of our rights; rather, the Federal Constitutions stipulate and guarantee that our public servants will respect our Natural and Unalienable rights and will be limited in the exercise of any powers delegated to them by the Federal Constitutions. 

These Public Employees have sought to evade their contractual obligations to us by using two criminal ruses: first, by registering American babies as British Territorial U.S. Citizens, and second, by then subjecting these misidentified American babies to the Law of the Sea, thereby denying them the protection and guarantees of the  Law of the Land in general and the benefits of the Federal Constitutions, specifically. 

The Supremacy Clause of all three Federal Constitutions declares that the Constitutions are themselves the Supreme Law of the Land, so our erstwhile public servants have contrived to reduce us to the status of foreign persons and traffic us into the jurisdiction of the sea, in order to evade the Law of the Land and their own contractual obligations.  

This is a form of human trafficking caused by unlawful conversion of nationality and political status and is strictly prohibited under both the Hague and Geneva Conventions.  

The Perpetrators try to excuse their heinous mistreatment of their Employers via a variety of False Claims: 

(1) They claim we are incompetent to administer our own Law, which we created and placed on the Public Record; 

(2) They claim that our government is in interregnum because a part of our government has been dormant and inoperative for 160 years; however, that part was never crucial to the function of our government as a whole, and we are not obligated to reconstruct or use it to conduct business;

(3) They claim that because their abuse of their Employers predates their signatures on the Hague and Geneva Conventions, that it is okay for them to continue practices that they otherwise agree are criminal; 

(4) They persist in committing acts of fraud and inland piracy in this country which are internationally and universally recognized as crimes, and have institutionalized their crimes against us to the best of their ability;

(5) They, the owner/operators of the offending commercial and municipal corporations, have been given Due Process and have still not corrected their operations to bring them into compliance with their Service Contracts, that is, the respective Federal Constitutions; they have pretended that our actions have only applied to one or another bankrupt corporate service providers supported by the same Principals -- however, our action was brought against the Principals themselves and only secondarily against the corporations they have been using as an artifice to do their dirty work. 

These and other self-interested misrepresentations made by our Federal Employees have been objected to in a timely fashion, and we continue to bring forward our claims against them and the Principals responsible for their misadministration. 

We continue to claim our Natural and Unalienable Rights as well as all contractual guarantees and treaties owed to us.  

Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals; Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 15th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

30 Sec To Midnight: "Stock Insiders Are Selling, I'm Buying SILVER" | Mike Maloney

In this urgent “30 Seconds To Midnight” update, Mike Maloney breaks down why we’re on the brink of the biggest financial collapse in history—larger than 2008. With Nvidia’s market valuation soaring to unsustainable heights and corporate insiders selling off, the signs are clear: the bubble will pop, and the fallout will be catastrophic. Maloney also reveals how key economic data is being hidden and why he’s buying physical silver as the ultimate hedge against the coming storm. Get ready for what’s next and learn how to protect yourself.

The only real solution is converting your wealth to precious metals.

Get out of the banks NOW!
We have two options for you to get Silver. 

For orders starting with one ounce to as many as you want. This is a company that ships from Florida.
 2. Call or email to order (?) or more ounces at 406 889 3183 

 Paul Stramer

I will send you an email showing you how to figure the price of silver at any given time, and how to do a transaction with us. All orders are fully insured and are drop shipped from our mint via FedEx Express flat rate contract, or UPS ground.

This is our biggest seller because it can be divided into quarter or half ounce pieces.

These will be coming from the new mint.

We will announce what the minimum order will be next week.

This has been 85% plus of our sales for over 15 years.

Paul Stramer
SLC Distributing
Eureka Montana 59917

Office 406 889 3183
Cell 406 253 4257 

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

International Public Notice: Red Herrings and Green Snakes

 By Anna Von Reitz

There is a difference between "the DOD" and "the Department of Defense".  As we have noted, Americans have been paying for complete redundancy of government since 1937 --- two sets of everything, all neatly separated and separately identified. 

"DOD" like the other alphabet soup Agencies that we are too familiar with, is a for-hire Municipal Corporation franchise formerly under the direction of the Holy Roman Empire (HRE, INC.) which provided the frontline government services to the public as the UNITED STATES, which was yet another intermediary in this long trail of financial and governmental corruption.  

The "Department of Defense, Inc." is, as its name suggests, a subsidiary franchise of the British Crown Corporation doing business variously as "the United States of America, Incorporated" and "U.S.A, Incorporated" and "The United States of America, Incorporated" and even "USA, Incorporated" ---- depending on which one(s) are in receivership at any given time.  This is the British Territorial Government Subcontractor providing military and "consultant" services, which has been illegally and secretly operating this country as "the American Raj" since the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860. 

So, DOD is traditionally operated by a different set of Vermin than the Department of Defense (DoD) which is operated by another species of Vermin, and they have been colluding together for a long time to illegally occupy this country and oppress and pillage the American People, our State Citizens, who are their Employers to whom they owe "good faith service" by contract--- a contract that they have evaded and dishonored, yet used as their meal ticket for 160 years. 

What has happened recently is that the Chapter 7 Involuntary Bankruptcy that Pope Francis imposed on the UNITED STATES, INC., finally settled on October 1st 2024.  The end of this pernicious corporation and its bankruptcy gave us some hope that the U.S. Trustees (members of the British Territorial Congress) that have held it in receivership, would put an end to their own collusion and deceit
and let the over 400 Municipal Agencies fade away quietly or be repurposed to actually serve the public. 

No such luck. Instead of letting the former HRE Municipal organizations fade quietly into the twilight, the U.S. Congress extended them funding for an additional three (3) months and has "allowed" them to wage war against the American people; the British Territorial Corporation has basically paid the defunct alphabet soup Agencies as Mercenaries and is misdirecting them to harm the very people that both these criminal organizations are (or were in the case of the UNITED STATES) contractually obligated to serve in good faith.  

We leave the world to judge whether or not either one of these organizations, let alone the Principals responsible for their existence and operations, have ever done that. 

All this rot and corporate malfeasance goes back to secretive collusion between the Roman Pontiff operating the secular side of the Roman Catholic Church and the British Monarchs --- a quid pro quo that has operated since the days of King John, and has simply become even more corrupt in the centuries since then. 

This unholy alliance has proven to be a long, long term problem for the entire world, and it is not settled yet. 

Thus, we have one group of incorporated British Crown Mercenaries usurping our government and substituting their own Territorial Congress for the Congress owed to the American People, hiring the should-be unemployed former HRE Municipal Corporation franchise Agencies and allowing these entities to wage weather warfare against our civilian population, unleash biowarfare on the world, promote a proxy war in Ukraine, build up an illegal war machine in Israel and engage in all the nasty, illegal, unlawful, and immoral acts that the U.S. Congress wants to engage in --- but, like Christian Monarchs using Jews to avoid the taint of usury in the Middle Ages--- they don't want to have their pretty hands dirtied. 

The hypocrisy reeks and we are not deceived. 

The members of the U.S. Congress that voted to extend the funding to the former Municipal Government Agencies are under investigation for knowing and deliberate treason, aiding, abetting, funding, and misdirecting these corporate entities to attack and do harm to innocent Americans and other people worldwide.  

Apologists say, but, what about all the services and functions these Agencies provided?  What about ten million more government employees being suddenly unemployed?  Don't we have to buoy up the economy, at least artificially, before our corporate elections?  

Throughout over 200 complete and/or partial government shut-downs, those of us on the ground have never missed anyone but the National Park Employees and the Federal Marshals --- who were permanently defunded because they posed an obstacle to drug smuggling and human trafficking. 

The only other members of the HRE Government that we would miss are the employees of the various Postal Services --- which are not Post Offices. 

These rogue entities that the British Territorial Congress funded through the end of the year, DOD, FEMA, BATF, EPA, IRS, etc., have led us on a path of destruction, albeit, at the behest of their British Territorial Masters.  They have continued to claim the existence of all sorts of rights and powers that they never actually had and still don't. 

These incorporated government services providers have jointly conspired to continue genocidal corporate "policies" and to do so while impersonating the actual people and government of this country. 

The gross breach of trust and criminality implied by all this is self-evident; we are not engaged in any political struggle, but are instead facing off a collusive criminal conspiracy staged by for-hire government services corporations and the bureaucrats running them.  

Those doing the Dirty Work (the Red Herrings) are being directed to do so by the other "side" of this convenient dog pile (the Green Snakes), but it is all the same to us.   

The Dead Man Walking Municipal Agencies, DOD, FEMA, et alia, are being used by the British Territorial U.S. Congress to wage yet more Mercenary War on the rest of us, including their own Employers. A more corrupt and corrupting regime has never existed in the history of the world. 

Last week, officials purportedly from FEMA --- which, technically, doesn't exist anymore, obstructed disaster search and rescue efforts by civilians working in the over 100 counties hit by Hurricane Helene--- which was itself an illegal act of weather warfare.  

FEMA workers illegally confiscated privately donated resources, blocked airfields being used to stage helicopter rescues, threatened civilian rescuers with armed force, and actually arrested civilian rescue teams on the pretext that they were "interfering in a federally mandated activity". 

However,  the "new" (and still unauthorized by the actual American government) British Territorial Government Charter for the State of North Carolina, Incorporated, issued circa 1910 (after the bankruptcy of their earlier state-of-state franchise established in the 1860's), contains a codicil forbidding federal interference in civilian rescue operations.  

The State (Trust) Charter outranks both State of State and Federal law within the physical borders of North Carolina.  Our guys were back at work in no time.  

This theme of "Federal" interference with civilian rescue efforts after disasters goes all the way back to the 1700's.   It seems that they never want to do their work, but don't want anyone else doing it, either. 

Other purported FEMA Agents told the survivors of Chimney Rock, North Carolina, that their townsite was condemned and would be bulldozed, together with the bodies of their missing friends and loved ones --- and that their private property interests would be severed under the assertion of "Federal Eminent Domain".  The people would be left with nothing and the "Federal Government" --- Incorporated --- would come in and begin Lithium Mining operations on the former townsite, making billions off the public and private resources these criminals hoped to commandeer under force. 

The problem, beyond the obvious moral and ethical concerns, is that there is not and has never been any "Federal Eminent Domain".  They were able to make this False Assertion when the Federal Interstate Highway System was pushed through in the 1970's only because the actual State Assemblies were not in Session and able to object.  Now the State Assemblies are in Session and they do object. 

Back to the Drawing Board for them. 

The actual State is the owner of the subsoil resources of North Carolina and when the State Assembly is in Session and able to defend its interest in those resources, any Federal Agency needs to have a land grant from a properly provenanced American State Assembly operating prior to 1860 to claim any interest in any parcel of land or other land-based resource within the State boundaries.  

Moreover, our States respect the rights of the people to own and control and enjoy their land and soil --- and will defend the rights of the people of Chimney Rock.

There's more.  A lot more.  A Day of Reckoning for the criminals cannot be long in coming, whether they are operating as Night of the Living Dead former Municipal Agencies or standing among the British Territorial Operatives.  These organizations and the banks that have colluded in funding them by encumbering our assets and extending our credit to them under False Pretenses, are under the gun. 

The Territorial Department of Defense just gratuitously issued a directive granting itself rights that it doesn't have and never did, trying to legalize the use of lethal force by British Territorial U.S. Military Subcontractors against American civilians within the borders of the States.  

They may indeed fire upon us, but they will never have the legal or lawful right to do so.  We didn't give them that authority.  

These foreign corporations are very keen to grant themselves powers and authorities they don't possess and they use private contract claims to justify their venal practices, but in this instance, even their own "corporate law" is already written and stands against them.  

This most recent repugnant directive issued by the Administrative Agencies and Departments (5240.01) has been defanged in advance by two recent and controlling Supreme Court decisions:  West Virginia v Environmental Protection Agency, 5597 U.S. 697 (2022), and Loper Bright Enterprises, et al., v Raimondo, Secretary of Commerce, et al, which overturned the so-called Chevron Deference Doctrine which allowed Administrative Agencies and Departments to write and interpret their own administrative law however they saw fit. 
That includes but is not limited to DoD Directives. 

Both of these Supreme Court Cases are restatements in support of  Norton v. Shelby County, 118 U.S. 425 (1886) which found that an unconstitutional act does not create an office, and the acts of its assumed incumbents are void. 

As can be readily observed, no "United States" Congress operating on delegated powers ever had the ability to further delegate its legislative powers to administrative agencies --- whether that agency is organized as an incorporated "department" or not. 

Perhaps more importantly, these following two Supreme Court cases prove that none of the agencies, including those disguised as "departments" are part of the Federal Government:

U.S. v Strang, 254 US 491 proves that with respect to the British Territorial Government, and Lewis v US, 680 F2nd, 1239 proves it with respect to the Municipal HRE Government. 

The so-called Department of Defense, Inc., has no right, power, or authority to grant itself lethal enforcement powers in the States, outside of strictly limited and defined federal enclaves.

No valid Grantor means no valid Grantee. 

In other words, if American civilians stormed a Naval Dockyard that was granted to the Federales in 1797 by Maryland, the Federales could fire on them within the property boundaries. Not otherwise. 

We wisely never gave our public employees any grant of authority to wage war against us nor within the borders of our States, generally speaking. 

Beyond that, the only authority for the use of lethal force by the Department of Defense, their Personnel, or their foreign Municipal Subcontractors, is the same right to self-defense that we all enjoy. 

Trying to legalize any offensive action whatsoever against American civilians via a departmental "Directive" is an act of criminal fraud and potential violence being attempted under color of law, in this case, by the run-amok British Territorial bureaucrats.  

These various corporations have no standing as a government at all; they are at most and at best, acting as purveyors of government services under contract.    
Imagine the Top Brass at Wendy's Hamburgers granting themselves and their employees the right to fire upon their customers via an in-house "Directive" and assuming that they can exercise the powers of government to legalize this. 

We are here to tell you that they can't.  They are criminals acting in Breach of Trust and Violation of their Service Contracts known as Constitutions.  These corporations, and the Principals responsible for their existence and operations, have ignored the actual Law so long that they are believing their own lies. 

These corporations are owed no support and no funding for their continued acts of disservice, dishonor, violence, and bad faith against their Employers. 

As things stand, one group of corporate Mercenaries has funded another group of unemployed corporate Mercenaries to do their Dirty Work under color of law.  They apparently think that they can fund the former Municipal Agencies and use them like sock puppets to attack our country and countrymen, without however, earning the onus as accomplices to treason and crimes of state. 

Such vain suppositions cannot be maintained. 

Those who fund such mercenaries and misdirect such mercenaries and mislead the public and use the assets and credit garnered from fraudulently constructed public trusts to fund attacks upon the public, are treasonous and common criminals acting under color of law. 

So are the banks promoting and funding these activities. 

Whether Red Herrings or Green Snakes, we assert and maintain that we, the living people and Lawful Persons of this country are the Priority Creditors, Owners, and Operators owed all right, title, and interest in all property of ours that has been purloined and misused by these miscreants acting in Breach of Trust.

This includes our possession and control of our much-abused Title IV Wartime Flag, known as the Stars and Stripes, and also as Old Glory.  This version of our flag was never allowed to be used by these incorporated Subcontractors specifically, and was never intended to be flown as a mercenary flag by any party whatsoever.  

The Title IV Flag was defined and separated out for the express use of our Federal Subcontractors while exercising delegated powers during a properly declared and actual war between separate countries; its use was not granted to corporations engaged in self-interested mercenary conflicts during peacetime. 

The employees of the Department of Defense, Inc., like the Municipal Mercenaries funded by the British Territorial U.S. Congress, are under demand to cease and desist all ploys, pretensions, and hostilities.  The only amnesty deserved, is the amnesty earned. 

It's time to return the Title IV Flag to the actual owners and to stop disgracing it and misusing it for purposes never anticipated and never authorized.  Likewise it is time for the British Crown Corporation to release all copyrights taken on our Given Names, time for all the unauthorized Federal Agencies to quietly disappear and be permanently defunded, time for the central banks to be audited and held accountable for operating as Bank Custodians--- padding their own pockets and the pockets of these evil corporations, instead of providing Trust Custodial Services to the victims of these criminals.    
Notice to Principals is Notice to Agents; Notice to Agents is Notice to Principals. 

Issued by: 
Anna Maria Riezinger, Fiduciary
The United States of America
In care of: Box 520994
Big Lake, Alaska 99652

October 16th 2024


See this article and over 5000 others on Anna's website here:

To support this work look for the Donate button on this website. 

How do we use your donations?  Find out here. 

Big Announcement coming next week.

 From Paul Stramer

We want to announce that the mint we have been with for many years has sold virtually all their assets including artwork, dies, and custom tooling to a much bigger and older mint. 

There are some advantages and a couple of disadvantages. But we expect over the next two weeks or so to be able to make some exciting announcements.

One will be that the minimum order will go way down. Another will be that they want to hold the line on the great prices we were getting from Utah.

I have spoken with them and I like what I am hearing so far so stay tuned and I will let you know the details in a few days.   Paul

Sunday, October 13, 2024

Twenty-First Sunday After Pentecost

 Rev. Fr. Leonard Goffine's

The Church's Year

At the Introit of the Mass is said a prayer of Mardochai, which may be used in all necessities:

INTROIT All things are in thy will, O Lord: and there is none that can resist thy will: for thou hast made all things, heaven and earth, and all things that are under the cope of heaven: thou art Lord of all. (Esth. xiii. 9, 10.) Blessed are the undefiled in the way: who walk in the law of the Lord. (Ps. cxviii.) Glory be to the Father and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost, as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

COLLECT Keep, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy family by Thy continued goodness: that, through Thy protection, it may be free from all adversities, and devoted in good works to the glory of Thy name. Through our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, who liveth and reigneth with Thee, in the Unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end, Amen.

EPISTLE (Ephes. vi. 10-17.) Brethren, Be strengthened in the Lord, and in the might of his power. Put you on the armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the deceits of the devil: for our wrestling is not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in high places. Therefore take unto you the armor of God, that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and to stand in all things perfect. Stand, therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breast-plate of justice, and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace: in all things taking the shield of faith, wherewith you may be able to extinguish all the fiery darts of, the most wicked one: and take unto you the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.

EXPLANATION The apostle teaches the Ephesians how hard and dangerous a struggle every Christian has to make, not against human enemies of flesh and blood, but against spiritual, invisible enemies, who were at one time powerful princes in heaven, but through sin became princes of the darkness of this world, who govern the adherents of the world, and exercise their evil influence in the air as well as on the earth, as far as God permits them, for our chastisement or trial.

He shows us also the manner in which we can gain the victory in the evil day, that is, the time of temptation, and particularly at the hour of death, when he admonishes us to have confidence in God and gives us the weapons for the contest. We should, therefore, gird ourselves with the girdle of truth, which shows us that honor, concupiscence and riches are vain and useless; we should put on the breast-plate of justice which is made of good works: the shoes, by regulating our lives according to the precepts of the gospel, which alone can give us true peace; the shield of faith, which teaches us how richly God rewards virtue and how terribly He punishes those who succumb to temptation and sin; the helmet of salvation, namely, confidence in God and the hope of heaven; the sword of the word of God, by making use, when violently tempted, of consoling and strengthening expressions of Holy Scripture, by which we can put the devil to flight, according to the example of Christ (Matt. iv.) and the saints. - Let us diligently use these weapons, and we shall be victorious in this spiritual combat, and be crowned with eternal glory in heaven.

Nineth Sunday After PentecostGOSPEL (Hall. XVill. 23-35.) At that time, Jesus spoke to his disciples this parable: The kingdom of heaven is likened to a king, who would take an account of his servants. And when he had begun to take the account one was brought to him that owed him ten thousand talents. And as he had not wherewith to pay it, his lord commanded that he should be sold, and his wife and children, and all that he had, and payment to be made. But that servant falling down, besought him, saying: Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. And the lord of that servant, being moved with pity, let him go, and forgave him the debt. But when that servant was gone out, he found one of his fellow-servants that owed him a hundred pence: and laying hold of him, he throttled him, saying: Pay what thou owest. And his fellow-servant falling down besought him, saying: Have patience with me, and I will pay thee all. And he would not; but went and cast him into prison till he paid the debt. Now his fellow-servants, seeing what was done, were very much grieved: and they came and told their lord all that was done. Then his lord called him, and said to him: Thou wicked servant, I forgave thee all the debt, because thou besoughtest me: shouldst not thou then have had compassion also on thy fellow servant, even as I had compassion on thee? And his lord being angry, delivered him to the torturers until he paid all the debt. So also shall my heavenly Father do to you, if you forgive not every one his brother from your hearts.

Who are understood by the king, and the servants?

The King is God, and the servants are all mankind.

What is meant by the ten thousand talents?

The ten thousand talents, according to our money more than ten million dollars, signify mortal sin, the guilt of which is so great that no creature can pay it; even all the works of the saints cannot make atonement, because by every mortal sin the infinitely great, good, and holy God is offended, which offence it is as impossible for any creature to cancel as it is for a poor servant to pay a debt of ten million dollars. Nevertheless God is so merciful that He remits the whole immeasurable debt of sin, on account of the infinite merits of Christ, if the sinner contritely begs forgiveness and amends his life.

Why did the master order, not only the debtor, but also his wife and children to be sold?

Probably because they assisted in contracting the debt, or gave occasion for its increase. This is a warning to those who in any way make themselves partakers of others' sins, either by counsel, command, consent, provocation, praise or flattery, concealment, partaking, silence and by defending ill-done things.

What is understood by the hundred pence?

By the hundred pence are understood the offences committed against us, and which, in comparison with our debt against God, are very insignificant.

What does Jesus intend to show by this parable?

That if God is so merciful and forgives us our immense debts, we should be merciful and willingly forgive our fellow-men the slight faults and offences, which they commit against us; he who does not this, will not receive pardon from God, in him will be verified the words of the apostle St. James: Judgment without mercy to him that hath not done mercy. (James ii. 13.)

Who are those who throttle their debtors?

These are, in general, the unmerciful, but particularly those who have no compassion for their debtors; those who immediately go to law and rest not until the debtor is left without house or home; those who oppress widows and orphans, if they owe them anything, thus committing one of the sins which cry to heaven for vengeance; (Ecclus. xxxv. 18. 19.) those who even in just lawsuits act harshly and severely with their opponent, without the slightest inclination to come to an agreement with him; finally, rulers and landlords who overburden their subjects with excessive tithes and taxes, and exact their share with the greatest rigor.

Who are those who accuse these hardened men before God?

They are the guardian angels and their own conscience; the merciless act itself cries to God for vengeance.

What is it to forgive from the heart?

It is to banish from the heart all hatred, ill-will and revengeful desires, to treasure a true and sincere love towards our offenders and enemies not only in our hearts, but also manifest it externally by deeds of charity. Therefore those have not forgiven from their hearts, who, indeed, say and believe, that they have no ill-will against their enemy, but everywhere avoid him, refuse to salute him, to thank him, to pray for him, to speak to him, and to help him in necessity, even when they might do so, but who rather rejoice at his need.


Nineth Sunday After PentecostHave patience with me. (Matt. xviii. z6.)

Since God has such great patience with us, ought not this to move us to have patience likewise with the faults and weaknesses of our fellow-men, and to resign ourselves patiently in all the sufferings and tribulations sent us from God? What will your impatience avail you? Will you thereby change or ease your sufferings? Do you thereby correct the faults of your neighbor? No; on the contrary, it makes suffering more oppressive, misfortune greater, and the erring neighbor more obstinate, so that he will ultimately refuse even mild and patient corrections. Besides impatience leads to many sins, to cursing, raillery, quarrelling,. contention, and murder. The pious Job gives us a good example of true patience and resignation to the will of God. He was a wealthy, respected, God-fearing man in the land of Hus, the father of seven sons and three daughters, and lived peacefully and happy. God wished to try him and permitted the devil to vent his entire rage upon him. Job was deprived of his children and all his property, and, finally, he was himself afflicted with the most painful disease of leprosy. But in the midst of all these dreadful misfortunes he remained calm. Naked, covered only with a few patches, he sits on a dunghill, a picture of misery, and yet no sound of murmuring comes from his lips, he does not curse, does not blaspheme God, but says resignedly: The Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away: as it hath pleased the Lord, so is it done: blessed be the name of the Lord. To all this misery was added the baseness of his own wife, who came and mocked him, and of three intimate friends, who instead of consoling him, judged him falsely and said, that his misery was a just punishment from heaven. Still Job did not murmur against God's wise dispensations; with unshaken patience he faithfully confided in God, and he was not forsaken. God rewarded him well for his fidelity and patience; for He restored him to health, and gave him greater wealth than he had previously. See what patience can do, what reward is in store for it! And thou a Christian, a follower of Christ, the patient, crucified Lamb, art immediately irritated, become angry and morose at every little cross which you meet! Be ashamed of your weakness, and learn from the pious Job, to practice the virtue of patience, for patience proves hope, and hope permits us not to be put to shame. Patience always gains the victory, and will be rewarded in heaven.

If you find yourself inclined to impatience, make every morning a firm resolution to battle bravely against this vice and often ask God for the virtue of patience in the following prayer:

O God who by the patience of Thy only-begotten Son hast humbled the pride of the old enemy, vouchsafe that devoutly considering what He has suffered for us we may cheerfully bear our adversities, through the same Jesus Christ, our Lord, etc.